Monday, October 29, 2012

To Cheat? Or Not To Cheat?

      Cheating on anything is a big deal. It is against my personal beliefs and I believe it should not be done. Everyone has done it once in their life. They may not even known they have since cheating is so easy to do now. I have cheated multiple times and afterwards the guilt eats me alive. I want to be trusted more then anything, and if you have cheated, it takes a long time for a person to gain that trust back.
      Teachers have gotten very good at catching cheaters. They have figured a way to catch plagiarizers and to catch how people cheat on homework. On tests, kids can cheat rather easily, unless you have a teacher who thinks of ways to prevent it. The teacher could sit in an area so they can see everyone and what they do. They could spread you out and make you turn off your phones and set them on the desk so they could see them.
       Teachers have a tricky time with cheating. Students cheat all the time, especially since they have the ability to do so. Phones students have are able to get on the internet easily and look up answers quickly. So, if you are able to see their phones, they will not be able to cheat with them. This is something we need to find a solution to. It makes students become lazy and makes them think they can get away with anything. It lowers their expectations of themselves.

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