Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obstacles through my life...

           In my life so far, the biggest obstacle I have had to overcome would be my parents divorce. They had gotten divorced when I was about 3. The thing that has effected me is the events lately. It makes me go into a deep thinking phase and makes me realize that I never want to do that to my family. Their divorce happened 12 years ago and still hurts me more then ever today. I cry when I think of it still. I have been doing different things for 12 years that their divorced caused. These would consist of going back and forth between houses, packing clothes bags, trying to combine completely two different families, and many more. My dad had gotten remarried when I was around 5, but my mom had remarried only 3 years ago. Combining these families have been very difficult. We are opposites. They say opposites attract, but not always. I have made sacrifices due to this remarriage. I had to move to Dover. Luckily, I still go to school in Canton. I had to drop a couple sports and am not allowed to play very many. I do not get to see friends very often due to living so far away. These obstacles mean to me that I have only small struggles in my life compared to all the other struggles people have in the world. This experience has made me a better person. It has taught me to communicate with people I don't really get along with and to appreciate more then what I used. I appreciate time with friends now and the mommy and me time I get when it is possible. Even though I am 15 years old I will always cherish that time I get to spend with my mom when it is just us. I don't get it very often anymore and that is something difficult to overcome.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Perseverance- What does it really mean?

Perseverance is the ability to keep going even when you hit obstacles in your path.

In my life I have had a couple obstacles. One being my parents divorce. They separated when i was a young child. It got harder the older I got. They both remarried and I went from house to house every other day. Another one would be my brothers accident. He is now paralyzed from the waist down. He has been for two years. This is more him persevering then me, but my whole family had to preserver through that giant obstacle. Another, was when I found my dog laying in our frozen pound. He was honestly my best friend, I told him everything. It was very hard for me to overcome. One of the last bigger ones I went through, would be my grandfathers death. This recently happened and we were very close. It is still hard for me to think about him without getting emotional. 

The one story that I always think of when I think of perseverance would be my brother's story. He goes to therapy to help him walk again and he tries his hardest. He has gotten back up after his accident and kept going. He is an inspiration for me to keep going.

Martin Luther King Jr. said a lot about perseverance. My favorite thing he said was, “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”  It is saying that no matter what is going on, still try your hardest and strive to be the best.


Monday, October 29, 2012

To Cheat? Or Not To Cheat?

      Cheating on anything is a big deal. It is against my personal beliefs and I believe it should not be done. Everyone has done it once in their life. They may not even known they have since cheating is so easy to do now. I have cheated multiple times and afterwards the guilt eats me alive. I want to be trusted more then anything, and if you have cheated, it takes a long time for a person to gain that trust back.
      Teachers have gotten very good at catching cheaters. They have figured a way to catch plagiarizers and to catch how people cheat on homework. On tests, kids can cheat rather easily, unless you have a teacher who thinks of ways to prevent it. The teacher could sit in an area so they can see everyone and what they do. They could spread you out and make you turn off your phones and set them on the desk so they could see them.
       Teachers have a tricky time with cheating. Students cheat all the time, especially since they have the ability to do so. Phones students have are able to get on the internet easily and look up answers quickly. So, if you are able to see their phones, they will not be able to cheat with them. This is something we need to find a solution to. It makes students become lazy and makes them think they can get away with anything. It lowers their expectations of themselves.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


        People have fears of anything and everything. Most people are terrified of sharks even though you don't hear new reports about people being injured or killed by sharks. They only kill 5 people annually. I think it is because of the movies tat are directed to make sharks look like vicious animals that tear people apart for no reason. This scares people away from the ocean, water, and sharks.
       High school football is something no one is afraid of. Students come to support and athletes are ready to play. One thing you might not have known is that high school football kills 20 people annually. Why are people afraid of sharks and not high school football? I think it is because you never hear horror stories about football has you do sharks. I personally have known a high school student who has been paralyzed because of a football accident. He broke is neck when he was tackled which cut his spinal cord.
       I have a fear of being alone. I think I got this fear when I was little after my parents divorce and I had to go from house to house everyday. I am afraid of living a life of loneliness and pain. I remember my mom living that life for 7 years after her divorce. I was 3, and I remember hearing her cry. I don't want to have that kind of life. I want to live life to the fullest without regret.
       Everybody has their own reason for their fear. That's why I think everyone's fear is rational. It may not be rational in your mind, but in theirs it is. People probably think my fear is ridiculous, but to me it's not at all. Everyone has their opinion on everything. Let them have it. If they think your fear is crazy, then let them. Don't try to be brave over peer pressure.
       Nothing deserves our fear. We are stronger then we think. We are afraid of stuff usually due from past experiences. One day we could get over them or we will just live with them. Fear is a state of mind, we just have to find a way to overcome it and over power our mind. I think over powering your mind is a hard thing to do. Our mind controls how we think. When we want to forget about something, our mind won't let us.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The one thing that makes me laugh so hard is some of the videos on Youtube. This video especially gets me. I laugh harder then I have ever laughed when I saw this video. These cats have goat disease and fall over when their is a sudden sound over movement.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Little Leaf in the Fall

Fall is coming quickly! This means my life is ending shortly. I will grow old with color and then slowly fall to the ground. I will turn to fertilizer in the ground to help others grow. I life of flowing in the wind will be over and then i will be stuck to the ground until I become nothing but a soggy leaf. I will be stepped on and kicked around, people will rack me up and put me in trash bags. I will no longer be with my family I will be all alone with new leaves. Some will be red, brown, orange, and even some green ones who have not yet lost their color. Death is near. There will be no more sunlight for me. I will just be another leaf that has gone onto the other side of the ground. I am scared to fall of this tree. There will be no more life left for me.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Memory in a Bottle

What memory would you bottle up if you could?
This question runs through my mind like a forest fire. There are too many to pick. The one I would have to chose is the last time I spent time with my grandpa before he was diagnosed with cancer. Ever since he found out, the cancer just spread so fast. It went to his lungs, chest, neck, right shoulder bone, and in his face. He is so weak and fragile, I can't stand seeing him like that. The doctors only give him about a week now.

How often would I open it?
I would open it everyday. I would do anything to have the time back with him. Time flies, especially when you are losing someone so dear and close to your heart. The days grow shorter and minuets turn into seconds. If only I could relive that day.

Describe the memory and how it feels to uncork the bottle.
The Memory:
It was the last time I saw him healthy. We were fishing in my lake and just having a good time. Our whole family was over and him and my Uncle Rusty played guitar and sang songs. He is one of my best friends, the best grandpa in the world. Before he left that day, he said his right shoulder was hurting. He could barely lift it up.
The Feeling:
I would feel happy, excited, sad, and pain all at the same time. Happy because I get to see him and talk to him. Excited because I am always excited to see him, he brightens my day. Sad because I know I can no longer have those times with him. Pain because it hurts me to even think about losing him.

Another Memory I would Bottle up:
Sunday, September 23, 2012. I was visiting him in the hospital. He doesn't talk very much. I walked in crying and held his fragile hand. He opened his eyes and looked at me. Then he spoke, "Please don't cry baby girl, I'm going to be alright." It made me sob harder. Then he sung You Are My Sunshine and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I will never forget that voice of his. That has to be one of the most memorable moments of my life.