Thursday, December 6, 2012

Obstacles through my life...

           In my life so far, the biggest obstacle I have had to overcome would be my parents divorce. They had gotten divorced when I was about 3. The thing that has effected me is the events lately. It makes me go into a deep thinking phase and makes me realize that I never want to do that to my family. Their divorce happened 12 years ago and still hurts me more then ever today. I cry when I think of it still. I have been doing different things for 12 years that their divorced caused. These would consist of going back and forth between houses, packing clothes bags, trying to combine completely two different families, and many more. My dad had gotten remarried when I was around 5, but my mom had remarried only 3 years ago. Combining these families have been very difficult. We are opposites. They say opposites attract, but not always. I have made sacrifices due to this remarriage. I had to move to Dover. Luckily, I still go to school in Canton. I had to drop a couple sports and am not allowed to play very many. I do not get to see friends very often due to living so far away. These obstacles mean to me that I have only small struggles in my life compared to all the other struggles people have in the world. This experience has made me a better person. It has taught me to communicate with people I don't really get along with and to appreciate more then what I used. I appreciate time with friends now and the mommy and me time I get when it is possible. Even though I am 15 years old I will always cherish that time I get to spend with my mom when it is just us. I don't get it very often anymore and that is something difficult to overcome.